Source code for gama.search_methods.base_search

from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Any, Union

import pandas as pd

from gama.genetic_programming.operator_set import OperatorSet
from gama.genetic_programming.components import Individual
from gama.logging.evaluation_logger import EvaluationLogger

[docs]class BaseSearch(ABC): """ All search methods should be derived from this class. This class should not be directly used to configure GAMA. """ def __init__(self): # hyperparameters can be used to safe/process search hyperparameters self._hyperparameters: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Any]] = dict() self.output: List[Individual] = [] self.logger = EvaluationLogger def __str__(self): # Not sure if I should report actual used hyperparameters (i.e. include default) # or only those set by user. user_set_hps = { parameter: set_value for parameter, (set_value, default) in self._hyperparameters.items() if set_value is not None } hp_configuration = ",".join( [f"{name}={value}" for (name, value) in user_set_hps.items()] ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({hp_configuration})" @property def hyperparameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Hyperparameter (name, value) pairs as set/determined dynamically/default. Values may have been set directly, through dynamic defaults or static defaults. This is also the order in which the value of a hyperparameter is checked, i.e. a user set value wil overwrite any other value, and a dynamic default will overwrite a static one. Dynamic default values only considered if `dynamic_defaults` has been called. """ return { parameter: set_value if set_value is not None else default for parameter, (set_value, default) in self._hyperparameters.items() } def _overwrite_hyperparameter_default(self, hyperparameter: str, value: Any): set_value, default_value = self._hyperparameters[hyperparameter] self._hyperparameters[hyperparameter] = (set_value, value)
[docs] def dynamic_defaults( self, x: pd.DataFrame, y: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], time_limit: float ) -> None: """ Set hyperparameter defaults based on the dataset and time-constraints. Should be called before `search`. Parameters ---------- x: pandas.DataFrame Features of the data. y: pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Labels of the data. time_limit: float Time in seconds available for search and selecting dynamic defaults. There is no need to adhere to this explicitly, a `stopit.utils.TimeoutException` will be raised. The time-limit might be an important factor in setting hyperparameter values """ # updates self.hyperparameters defaults raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by child class.")
[docs] def search(self, operations: OperatorSet, start_candidates: List[Individual]): """ Execute search as configured. Sets `output` field of this class to the best Individuals. Parameters ---------- operations: OperatorSet Has methods to create new individuals, evaluate individuals and more. start_candidates: List[Individual] A list of individuals to be considered before all others. """ raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by child class.")
def _check_base_search_hyperparameters( toolbox, output: List[Individual], start_candidates: List[Individual] ) -> None: """ Checks that search hyperparameters are valid. :param toolbox: :param output: :param start_candidates: :return: """ if not isinstance(start_candidates, list): raise TypeError( f"'start_population' must be a list but was {type(start_candidates)}" ) if not all(isinstance(x, Individual) for x in start_candidates): raise TypeError(f"Each element in 'start_population' must be Individual.")