Source code for gama.GamaRegressor

import pandas as pd

from .gama import Gama
from gama.configuration.regression import reg_config

[docs]class GamaRegressor(Gama): """ Gama with adaptations for regression. """ def __init__(self, config=None, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error", *args, **kwargs): """ """ # Empty docstring overwrites base __init__ doc string. # Prevents duplication of the __init__ doc string on the API page. if not config: config = reg_config super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, config=config, scoring=scoring) def _predict(self, x: pd.DataFrame): """ Predict the target for input X. Parameters ---------- x: pandas.DataFrame A dataframe the same number of columns as that of X of `fit`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array with predictions of shape (N,) where N is len(X). """ return self.model.predict(x) # type: ignore