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GitHub Admonitions for MkDocs

Convert GitHub admonitions to mkdocs admonitions when building docs, so that you can have admonitions on GitHub and in the documentation from the same file.


This is an admonition. They are a useful tool to attract attention to information.


To install the plugin:

python -m pip install mkdocs-github-admonitions-plugin

Then in your mkdocs.yml file, add the plugin:

  - gh-admonitions

Now you can write Github-compatible admonitions, and they will be automatically converted when used in mkdocs pages.

Why is this needed?

Both Github and mkdocs support admonitions from their markdown flavors. Unfortunately, their flavors are different. A Github admonition is written like this:

> [!TIP]
> This is the Github admonition syntax.

And mkdocs admonitions are written like this:

!!! tip

    This is the mkdocs-materials admonition syntax.

So an admonition in your documentation will render correctly on either Github or in your mkdocs pages, but not both. With this plugin, you write the admonition once in Github syntax, and it will still show correctly in the built mkdocs pages!


The mkdocs admonitions are much more powerful. They can feature titles. They have more types, and you can add custom ones. You can render inline admonitions. They can be collapsable, and be collapsed by default. And much more.

But since the GitHub syntax has none of that, this tool can not offer such mkdocs admonitions to be generated. All admonitions will be converted to non-collapsed title-less admonitions.

GitHub admonitions feature two types which are not supported by mkdocs: danger and important. In converting these admonitions, we will preserve their title, but use the caution and warning symbol and color, respectively.


Here is a gallery with various admonitions. They should show up correctly on the built documentation too!


This is normally formatted. Type in lower case. No extra spaces. It contains two lines in markdown, but only a soft linebreak.


This admonition has:

  • ALL CAPS in the type
  • a list

Note that this admonition uses the "danger" symbol with "Caution" title.


This contains inline and

import this  # python code in ticks

 and code block with spaces

Note that this admonition uses the "warning" symbol with "Important" title.


And this admonition contains an empty line

That only has a > character in markdown.


Admonitions may contains quotes

Quotes always contain great wisdom.

But pay attention! There may be admonitions which are really just code:

> [!note]
> This is not an admonition.


This is an independent project and not affiliated with GitHub in any way.