Pieter Gijsbers

Portrait picture of Pieter Gijsbers

Hi! I am a research engineer at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in Joaquin Vanschoren's automated machine learning (AutoML) lab. I support (automated) machine learning research through open source projects like OpenML and the Automated Machine Learning Benchmark.

I have been a long-time open source developer, starting early 2016 with my first contribution to OpenML. While working on my thesis on Systems for AutoML Research, I continued and expanded this by creating AutoML framework GAMA, starting the Automated Machine Learning Benchmark project, and bringing many new improvements to openml-python including support for benchmarking suites.


Research Engineer

Nov 2021 - Now, Eindhoven University of Technology

Developing and maintaining open source software that supports (automated) machine learning research, including OpenML and its Python module, AutoML framework GAMA, and the AutoML benchmark.

Other activities include organizing events such as OpenML hackathons, reviewing papers (for NeurIPS, AutoML Conf, and JMLR), support teaching the Machine Learning Engineering course through developing automatic grading software, and partaking in the development of the Croissant meta-data format.

PhD candidate

Nov 2017 - Nov 2021, Eindhoven University of Technology

Under supervision of Joaquin Vanschoren, I carried out research in the field of automated machine learning and meta-learning:

All projects are open source, and generally performed in a small team (see co-authorship of the linked papers).

Software Engineer, part-time

2013-2016, Van Doren Engineers

Using C# to develop manufacturing execution systems linking the shop floor to the office. Worked in a small team responsible for the entire stack. Work performed part-time as studies allowed, including two half-year internships.


Systems for AutoML Research

PhD in AutoML


Nov 2017 - May 2022, Eindhoven University of Technology

Completed under supervision of Joaquin Vanschoren. Research in automated machine learning and meta-learning culminating in the thesis titled Systems for AutoML Research. See also: work.

Computer Science

MSc Computer Science


Feb 2015 - Sept 2017, Eindhoven University of Technology

Graduated with distinction, with a thesis on 'Automatic construction of machine learning pipelines' under supervision of Joaquin Vanschoren. Completed the following extracurricular activities:

  • Exchange semester at Aalto University with a focus on Machine Learning.
  • Participated in a visualization project on the migration patterns in gull data.
  • Completed the Honor Academy program.

ICT & Technology

BSc ICT & Technology


Feb 2011 - Jan 2015, Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Graduated with distinction. Education focused on software engineering for embedded systems. My graduation internship consisted of developing an augmented reality application at Van Doren Engineers.
